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Low markers of Iron (Fe)

Writer's picture: cyprusfreecyprusfree

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

I have fought since childhood with low markers of Iron (Fe). My whole life I was very pale, had very white nails and a low resistance to long efforts. Some other people have too high Iron.

Supplements with Fe (even the the natural ones - chlorella, spirulina etc.) and nutrition (meat, eggs, greens, red beet etc.) helped me only temporarily. The problem came back every time. When I started Dr. Morse's program, I understood how things worked.

Either ways LOW /HI Fe (Iron) is strictly related to 3 organs / 'systems':

1. the liver (mine was all dust)

2. adrenal glands (regulates Fe in body)

3. guts (I suffered from malabsorption).

And so I put myself on the job:

+ cleaned gastrointestinal (gastric, antiparasitic, raw food on 80% fruit)

+ I worked on elimination (kidney-intestines-skin)

+ I've strengthened my adrenal glands

+ I toned and cleaned the pancreas and the liver

+ I have done my 'house cleaning' (lymph and endocrine)


The problems of 'deficiencies' of vitamins and minerals are temporarily resolved with supplements or alimentation. But solving them permanently is when you change the 'terrain' - raw fruit diet, herbs, progressive detoxification.


The following symptoms may be indicators of Fe deficiency or low Fe deposits:

-weakness, fatigue, and lack of exercise resistance

- dyspnea during exercises

- Headache

- difficulty concentrating

- irritability

- dizziness

- pale skin

- the desire to ingest substances that are not necessarily edible ( lust for ice cream)

- tachycardia (very fast heartbeat)

- Nails of hands and feet very fragile and white

- cracked lips

- depapilated and sore tongue


You take care of your body as if it were your child. Love your body and feed it with the best of nature (fruits, vegetables, greens). The reward will NOT delay to appear.


#REPOSTARE M-am luptat din copilarie cu markeri la limita de jos ai Fierului (Fe). O viata intreaga am fost foarte palida, unghii foarte albe si o rezistenta joasa la eforturi indelungate. Altii se lupta cu markeri de Fe prea ridicati. Suplimentele cu Fe (acuma si cele naturale-chlorella, spirulina etc.) si alimentatia ( carne, oua, verdeturi, sfecla rosie etc.) m-au ajutat doar temporar. Problema revenind de fiecare data. Cand am inceput programul dr. Morse am inteles cum stateau lucrurile....

Carentele (dar si markerii prea inalti) de Fe sunt strict legate de 3 organe/'sisteme':

1. ficatul (al meu era praf)

2. glandele suprarenale (regleaza Fe in corp)

3. intestine (sufeream de malabsorbtie).

Si asa m-am pus pe treaba:

+am curatat terenul gastrointestinal(maturica gastrica, antiparazitare, alimentatie raw pe 80% fructe )

+am lucrat pe eliminare (rinichi-intestine-piele)

+mi-am intarit suprarenalele

+am tonifiat si curatat pancreasul si ficatul

+mi-am facut curatenie in 'casa' (limfa si endocrine)


Problemele 'carentelor' de vitamine si minerale se rezolva temporar cu suplimente. Insa rezolvarea lor este permanenta cand schimbam 'terenul' - alimentatie, plante medicinale, detoxifiere progresiva.


Urmatoarele simptome pot fi indicatorii unei lipse de Fe sau depozite joase de Fe:

-slabiciune, oboseala si lipsa rezistentei la efort

- dispnee in timpul exercitiilor

- cefalee (dureri de cap)

- dificultati in concentrare

- irascibilitate

- stari de ameteala

- tegumente palide

- dorinta de a ingera substante care nu sunt neaparat comestibile pofta pentru inghetata)

- tahicardie (bataile inimii foarte rapide)

- unghiile de la maini si picioare foarte fragile si albe

- buzele crapate

- limba depapilata (neteda) si dureroasa


Aveti grija de corpul vostru ca si cand ar fi copilul vostru. Iubiti-va corpul si hraniti-l cu ce e mai bun din natura (fructe, legume, verdeturi). Rasplata NU va intarzia sa apara.


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