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Free world healing knowledge

To heal the body you need to clean the GI tract, this is the TRUNK of the (body) TREE. All organs (eg liver, gall bladder and pancreas etc) are BRANCHES of this tree (colon/intestines).

People need to clean their colon very well, as it was at the time of birth, especially if they have health problems or intestinal diseases.

When you were an embryo in your mother's womb, THE GUTS WAS THE FIRST TISSUE TO FORM!!! That's why the intestines are so important!

The colon is a very sensitive organ. It comes into direct contact with all the food, drinks and medicines we consume and is covered by a mucosa (tissue that produces mucus).

Over the years, people have eaten TOO MUCH of the wrong foods (meats, grains, and dairy = the silent killers).

Foods such as starch, cereals, wheat, meat and mucus-forming foods (dairy and cheese) are the basis of the daily diet for most of us, at every meal.

All of these mix together and stick together into a glue-like substance clogging all the pipes and channels and organs in the body and the lymphatic system.

All acidic foods form a layer of thick mucus called mucoid plaque. The mucoid plaque is found in every colon, and what's even sadder is that children started having it from quite young ages (6-7-8 years old). Sometimes, even after long stages of detox, they come off so hard, and 80% of the mucus remains. No one wants to have that mucoid plaque.

People are now fully aware of how much these foods are damaging their colon. THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE begins and ends in the colon.

And the problem becomes "continuous" when acidic waste foods are "continuously consumed". In this way you close, seal and block everything in the colon and eventually shut down the systems.

(Ref Arnold Ehret's anti-mucus diet)

This causes the body to 'starve' due to the thick mucus in the intestines BLOCKING THE BODY'S ABILITY TO ABSORB complete nutrition from the food you eat.

Mucoid plaque is finally released from the body only when one goes through a deep cellular detox. People need deep healing and complete cleansing. This process uses enemas, massages, the right diet mainly on fruits, herbs, to remove the very hardened MUCUS from the colon.

Once one removes the mucoid plaque and sees it with his own eyes (a strange snake-like substance), then he will feel like a new person.

A wonderful week everyone! 💋❤

Alice Gabriela Christou


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